in bloom.
Frau genießt einen Spaziergang in der Lichtentaler Allee, umgeben von blühenden Bäumen und fröhlichen, gelben Frühlingsblumen.
Frau genießt einen Spaziergang in der Lichtentaler Allee, umgeben von blühenden Bäumen und fröhlichen, gelben Frühlingsblumen.
What blossoms when & where?

Baden-Baden in Bloom

Welcome to Baden-Baden, the city of flowers! From crocuses and magnolias in spring to magnificent roses in summer and the enchanting dahlia blossom - here you can find out when and where Baden-Baden is in full bloom. Discover the blooming seasons at a glance from spring to fall and be enchanted by the lovely fragrant sea of flowers.


Which flowers bloom when in Baden-Baden?



🗓️ January to March

Delicate yet resilient, they take their place along the Lichtentaler Allee and Kaiserallee as soon as the first rays of sunshine come out. It doesn't matter whether there is snow or not. The name comes from the fact that the flowers are able to pierce a blanket of snow with their flower heads.

Lichtentaler Alle im Frühling mit Blütenteppich aus lilafarbenen Krokussen.
Lichtentaler Alle im Frühling mit Blütenteppich aus lilafarbenen Krokussen.


🗓️ Mid-February to end of March

Not only the "Crocus tommasinianus", but also numerous Crocus hybrids enchant the promenade from the Trinkhalle to Lichtenthal Monastery with millions of crocus blossoms. The first warm rays of spring sunshine lure out the countless flowers in all shades of blue-violet, white, purple and even a little yellow.

Magnolienbaum blüht vor dem Museum Frieder Burda in Baden-Baden in der Lichtentaler Allee.
Magnolienbaum blüht vor dem Museum Frieder Burda in Baden-Baden in der Lichtentaler Allee.


🗓️ March to April

In spring, the city's "green lung" - the Lichtentaler Allee - sinks into a sea of thousands of magnolia blossoms. The colors range from pure white to pale pink and purple. But the Stourzda Chapel and the villa areas are also enveloped in the magnificent splendor of the magnolia blossom and can be discovered on a walk.

Malerische Brücke über einen Teich, umgeben von Blumen und Bäumen in der Hecor Berlioz Anlage in Baden-Baden.
Malerische Brücke über einen Teich, umgeben von Blumen und Bäumen in der Hecor Berlioz Anlage in Baden-Baden.

Japanese cherry blossom

🗓️ March to April

They are among the first plants to bloom in spring, impressing visitors with their magnificent flowers in front of the Trinkhalle, in the Hector-Berlioz-Anlage and along Lichtentaler Allee and transforming the lawn into a carpet of white or pale pink flowers.


Frau genießt einen Spaziergang in der Lichtentaler Allee, umgeben von blühenden Bäumen und fröhlichen, gelben Frühlingsblumen.
Frau genießt einen Spaziergang in der Lichtentaler Allee, umgeben von blühenden Bäumen und fröhlichen, gelben Frühlingsblumen.


🗓️ March to April

The sea of millions of yellow flowers can best be observed during the Easter period on the meadows along Lichtentaler Allee, the ornamental garden Paradies, Kaiserallee and in front of the Trinkhalle and Kurhaus.

Hochlandrind auf dem Panoramaweg
Hochlandrind auf dem Panoramaweg

Fruit tree blossom

🗓️ End of March until May

During the fruit blossom season, Baden-Baden is dressed in pink and white flowers and the idyllic orchards are at their most beautiful. Along stage 2 of the Panorama Trail, you can particularly enjoy the blossoming fruit trees. Not far from the Lichtentaler Allee, you can also experience the blossoming of the fruit trees at the Leisberg fruit estate, even in a historic orchard.



🗓️ April to mid-May

In spring, the tulip garden conjures up a cheerful carpet of flowers in Lichtentaler Allee, with 7,000 tulips in 64 different varieties. In the Kurgarten and in front of the Theatre, the tulips bloom in finely composed mixtures that create a special play of colors. How wonderful!


Üppig blühende Rhododendren im Zauberwald Arboretum in Baden-Baden.
Üppig blühende Rhododendren im Zauberwald Arboretum in Baden-Baden.


🗓️ End of April to mid-May

The lush bloom of the rhododendron makes the Michaelsberg, the Geroldsau waterfalls, the Lichtentaler Allee, the arboretum and the driveway to Merkur mountain a particularly picturesque sight. Fun fact: There is a species named after Baden-Baden - the Rhododendron repens 'Baden-Baden' with deep red flowers.

Der blühende Rosenneuheitengarten auf dem Beutig, mit mehreren Rosenbögen, umsäumt von reich blühenden, pinken Rosen.
Der blühende Rosenneuheitengarten auf dem Beutig, mit mehreren Rosenbögen, umsäumt von reich blühenden, pinken Rosen.


🗓️ May to October

In the Rose Society Garden, 1,000 different rose varieties unfold their full splendor. And did you know that it is also the venue for one of the most important international rose novelty competitions? And that's not all - you can also smell the rosy scent of flowers from afar in the Gönneranlage.


Lime blossom

🗓️ June - July

The scent of honey wafts along Lichtentaler Allee when the old lime trees are in bloom.

Summer + Autumn
Im Dahliengarten von Baden-Baden steht eine elegante Pferdekutsche, umgeben von bunten Dahlien und herbstlichen Park.
Im Dahliengarten von Baden-Baden steht eine elegante Pferdekutsche, umgeben von bunten Dahlien und herbstlichen Park.


🗓️ Mid-August until frost

Every year, over 1,800 dahlias in 64 different varieties bloom in the dahlia garden on the Klosterwiese, from the small-flowered ball dahlias to the water lily dahlias and the large-flowered cactus dahlias. They delight thousands of visitors from near and far with their blaze of color.



Hikes and walks in bloom

Discover Baden-Baden in bloom on a leisurely route with picturesque views.

  • The 2nd stage of the Panorama Trail is particularly beautiful during the fruit blossom ♡.
  • The Forest and Rose Circular Trail can be wonderfully combined with a visit to the Rose Society Garden.
  • The Lichtenthal Monastery tour is wonderful when the dahlias and tulips are in bloom and also takes you past the roses in the patronage grounds.