The wild side.
The picturesque Mummelsee, surrounded by lush trees and majestic mountains in the Black Forest, radiates peace and beauty.
Der malerischer Mummelsee, umgeben von üppigen Bäumen und majestätischen Bergen im Schwarzwald, strahlt Ruhe und Schönheit aus.

The Black Forest

Baden-Baden nestles on the slopes of the northern Black Forest. The valleys and mountains of the region as well as the forests offer plenty of variety and invite you to go hiking , as well as the opportunity to relax and regenerate in style.

A visit to Baden Baden is a must on a Black Forest holiday and we also recommend a trip from Baden-Baden to the fascinating national park.

Mountains, gorges, lakes and forests

Excursion destinations in the Black Forest

The most beautiful excursion destinations in the Black Forest - waterfalls - nostalgic railway - open-air museum - and much more! Discover places you'll love!