Hiking information board

Welcome to the Church Neuweier trailhead

Welcome to Baden-Baden’s municipal recreational forest and to the North/Central Black Forest area of outstanding beauty (“Naturpark Schwarzwald Mitte/Nord”). The mountain peaks on the western edges of the Black Forest offer spectacular and contrasting panoramas. In one direction you have the sweeping view across the Rhine plain to the mountains west of the Rhine. On a clear day you can see the countless towns and villages spread across the plain as well as the course of the Rhine. One particularly impressive landmark is the tower of Strasbourg cathedral. You’ll often get a view of the complete western flank of the Rhine Valley, from Grand Ballon, the highest peak in the Vosges Mountains, in the south, to Kalmit, the highest mountain in the Palatinate Forest, in the north. In another direction, you can enjoy views of Baden-Baden’s outlying villages located at the foot of the Black Forest hills, Neuweier, Varnhalt and Steinbach nestling prettily among the vineyards on the valley sides. To the east the views are of the dense Black Forest, a stark contrast to the sun-drenched Rhine plain.

From the Kirche Neuweier trailhead at the church in Neuweier you can reach two of the nicest vantage points in the area, Schartenberg and Yburg, both involving a steep ascent to reach the top.

A less strenuous path is the circular route around Neuweier, which leads you all the way around the wine-growing village without ever straying too far from it. This walk also has lots of wonderful views along the way. Another memorable feature of this walk are the terraced slopes which the route passes though, in particular the section on Mauerberg with its dry-stone walls, as you climb the steep and narrow path. This is a remarkable testimony to the efforts to which people went to establish and maintain winegrowing here. The path through the terraces on Mauerberg should only be taken if you are sure-of-foot and not afraid of heights.

Suggested routes from Church Neuweier 

Yburg-Rundweg circular route: 7 km, total ascent 320 m, steep ascent and descent on narrow and stony paths.

Schartenberg-Rundweg circular route: 6 km, total ascent 320 m, steep ascent on narrow and stony paths.

Around Neuweier, circular route around Neuweier: 7 km, total ascent 200 m, easy. Section at Mauerberg only suitable for those who are sure-of-foot and not afraid of heights. Do not use this section in wet weather.

Long-distance walking on the Ortenauer Weinpfad – the Ortenau Wine Trail

The Ortenau Wine Trail (Ortenauer Weinpfad) is a long-distance trail starting in Gernsbach and taking in Baden-Baden, Oberkirch, Offenburg and Gengenbach before reaching its end point, Diersburg. From Neuweier it takes you to Baden-Baden heading north. If you head south, it takes you via Varnhalt, Neuweier and Bühlertal to Neusatz. If individual sections are too short, they can be extended by using some of the vineyard loop walks – “Weinschliefen” - due for launch in 2019.

Recreation for All in Baden-Baden’s Municipal Forest

Covering an area of 7,500 hectares, Baden-Baden’s municipal forest is one of Germany’s largest publicly-owned forests, primarily serving as a place of recreation for all visitors. Ensuring that you have an enjoyable experience while preserving the forest for future generations can only be achieved if we all respect one another's needs and care for the plants and animals that call this forest home.

We kindly ask that you stay on the designated paths and keep your dogs on a lead. Mountain bikers are requested to use only tracks that are at least two meters wide or the specially designated mountain-bike trails. Please ride with care.

As you take home wonderful memories, please also take your rubbish with you.

The Baden-Baden municipal council wishes you a pleasant and memorable visit.