Panoramablick auf die malerische Stadt Baden-Baden, umgeben von üppigem grünen Wald und einem bewaldeten Hügel im Hintergrund unter einem klaren blauen Himmel.
Panoramablick auf die malerische Stadt Baden-Baden, umgeben von üppigem grünen Wald und einem bewaldeten Hügel im Hintergrund unter einem klaren blauen Himmel.
Press & Media

Basic texts & stories about Baden-Baden

Are you looking for specific information about Baden-Baden or would you like to report on a special event? Then browse through our current selection of basic texts. There are many fascinating stories in Baden-Baden that are worth telling. Our diverse texts offer you inspiration and can be used free of charge. We would be pleased if you would send us a specimen copy in the event of publication.


10 good reasons to visit Baden-Baden

There are many reasons to visit Baden-Baden. Here are the springs, the spas, the nature, here you live in hotels that are second to none and the casino lures with its seductive game...

The city

The European Capital of the Art of Living

Rarely is it so easy to find a city in the heart of nature that offers both tranquillity and entertainment. But that's exactly what Baden-Baden is - a place where lemons blossom, museums hang young art alongside masterpieces...

The brand

The good-good life.

"The Belle Époque meets the Age of Instagram" is the headline used by the New York Times to describe Baden-Baden - and it's certainly true that the city's rich history now blends perfectly with a contemporary lifestyle...

Exciting & curious facts

Did you know that...

... Baden-Baden has only been called that since 1931? Before that, the city was officially just called "Baden".

... in Baden-Baden, 800,000 litres of soothing, 68° hot, healing thermal water bubble up from 12 springs every day?


Press contact

Are you curious to learn more? We are delighted if you want to report on Baden-Baden and are happy to support you in your research or the planning of a media trip. Please contact our communication department – we are here to assist you.

Team Global Marketing & Communication

Cornelia Stahr

Head of Global 
Marketing & Communication 

Arab Gulf States, 
USA, Russia, India

+49 (0) 7221 275 268

Simone Schmidt

Senior Global Marketing
 & Communication Manager 

Local Marketing, PR 
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+49 (0) 7221 275 208

Sanja Häcker

Global Marketing & 
Communication Manager 

Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  
Benelux, Spain

+49 (0) 7221 275 207

Katja Flann

Global Marketing & 
Communication Manager 

France, UK, Italy, Israel, 
China, Japan, Singapore

+49 (0) 7221 275 269