Guided tour of the Festival Hall Baden-Baden
Externe Führung
The curtain closed and all questions open? Not any more! For all those who have always wanted to take a look behind the scenes, the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden offers guided tours. They go where no one else is allowed to go, enter the stage, look around the orchestra pit and learn about the processes in the technical centre. The competent Festspielhaus guides will let you in on the many secrets of the theatre business.
This service is provided and invoiced in the name and on behalf of the Festspielhaus und Festspiele Baden-Baden gGmbH (Beim Alten Bahnhof 2, 76530 Baden-Baden). The gross price stated includes 0% VAT. Information from the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden: The tour takes you through the foyer, the auditorium, the technical centre and the stage. Please note that we cannot rule out changes at short notice, as artistic operations have absolute priority. You can reach your guide shortly before the tour at 07221 / 30 13-154.